Share podcasts
like never before.

Using our patented podcast technology, listen to your favorite podcasts on Picked Cherries, then easily create 60 second audio clips (called ‘cherries’) and share with your friends via text, WhatsApp, email and on your social media.

Download it for free.

Welcome to Picked Cherries.

Listening to podcasts used to be a solo activity.

Now it’s a shared experience when you send 60 second audio ‘cherries’ to your friends - imagine the sharing of social media combined with podcasting.

You can listen to full episodes of your favorite podcasts on the Picked Cherries platform, then easily create 60 second audio clips (called ‘cherries’) and share podcasts like never before!

Welcome to Social Podcasting.


Download it for free.


PIX11 Interview

PIX11 of New York conducts a live interview with Picked Cherries co-founder Jeff Hoffman, comedian and podcaster Steve Trevino and his wife Renae Smith Trevino.

Podcasting is now a shared experience.

Download the Picked Cherries app.

Listeners & Podcasters, welcome to Picked Cherries!

If you’re not picking cherries,
are you really listening to podcasts?

Discover new podcasts based on fellow listeners’ picked cherries.

New episodes added daily.

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